Betsy Stark - Bringing Peace and Joy

Having grown up with an artist, I spent countless hours in museums, was often called upon to pose for sketches, and vividly remember coming home from school to the familiar smell of turpentine. 

Although acquainted with these things, it was not until much later in life that I became courageous enough to start painting. When I did step cautiously into the world of art, I wanted to paint something that brought peace and joy to those who observed it. 

I strive to create art that allows one to “breathe” in the midst of an often frenzied and chaotic lifestyle.

Taking my cues from creation, I focus on abstract landscapes rich in color yet restrained and calming. When I think of an overall theme, this Scripture verse comes to mind from Psalm 96:


In terms of technique, I begin with a base of texture using paint or gesso, followed by layer upon layer of color until a soft, dreamy landscape emerges. A combination of thick and thin brush strokes covers the canvas, blurring the water, trees, and sky so the observer can personalize the individual components, seeing what they imagine the view to be.


For custom inquiries or to ask about available art please contact:

Betsy Stark
Phone: 334.728.1414
Instagram: betsystark_

Come and purchase Betsy's art on Sunday, October 13, 2024 from 11 am to 5 pm at the Arts Trussville Gateway Art Festival.  

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